Like all Episcopal Churches, the organizational structure is centered on the ministry of the
WHOLE CONGREGATION. The decision making body is entrusted to an elected body called THE VESTRY. This body also includes the Priest, the Senior and Junior Wardens, the Clerk of the Vestry, the Treasures and the other Vestry Women and Men. The Vestry meets monthly. The meetings are open to all the members of the congregation. Decisions of the Vestry are reported to the whole congregation. Wardens serve a two year term and may be re-elected for a second term and a third year term, for a total of six year, after which they have to rotate off the Vestry. Vestry Men and Women serve a three year term. They could be re- elected for a second term, for a total of six years, after which they have to rotate off the Vestry. The Treasurer and Vestry Clerk are elected annually.
The other organizations in the Church are the Choir, the Lay Eucharistic Ministers, the Worship Leaders including the Lay Readers, the Altar Guild, the Sick and Shut-ins Visitation Team, the Women’s Guild, the Men’s Club, the Sunday School, the Bible Study Group, the Stewardship Committee, the Missions Committee, the New Members Committee, the Youth Group and the Young Adults Group. Membership in these organizations is open to all who wish to share their talents and time with others for the growth and development of the congregation.
We are very focused on WORSHIP, NURTURE and MISSION.
We invite you to become a member of our congregation, where worship is vibrant upbeat, uplifting and inclusive, where we nurture one another and where every member is an evangelist and a missionary for Jesus Christ.