Welcome to St Joseph's Episcopal/Anglican Church







St. Joseph’s Episcopal/Anglican Church is a member of the Anglican Communion. We are a great worshiping, nurturing, mission oriented and Christ centered community. We strive to live according to our baptismal covenant, to walk and live according to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and to be a welcoming community for all of God’s children.




We seek to make our worship services inclusive, vibrant and spiritually uplifting. We use the best resources in and out of our tradition to joyfully celebrate the Holy Communion every Sunday.


We care for each other from the cradle to the grave, by using the

best educational, nurturing materials and skills at our disposal, to minister to all  age groups. We tailor our ministry to every situation in life and to the cultural and traditional needs of our members.


We encourage each other, to give generously of our time, talent and

treasure for the up-keep of our Church, the well being of others

and for the advancement of God’s kingdom in this world.


We strive to be a safe church that welcomes people of all ages, races and cultures, by attending workshops and participating in the on-going training programs offered by our diocese.



St Joseph's Episcopa/Anglican Church sets the foundation for strong communities in the Bronx. We are dedicated to the advancement of our religion through education, poverty relief, and other beneficial activities to the community.


In addition to our community services, we attend Episcopal and non-Episcopal meetings and activities so that our members can join together and support our Churches and communities.


We are always happy to meet new people - everyone is welcome!


Who We Are

St Joseph's Episcopal/Anglican Church is a non-profit, religious organization that provides outreach and resources to people and families who are experiencing temporary set-backs due to unemployment, illness or other life-changing events.

Due to our space limitation, we do not offer the resources in our Church. We refer people who come to us, to our sister Churches in the Bronx, where we send resources , that have the space to help them, mostly with food and clothing.


Learn more about our people.

What We Do


Learn more

about our work.


We celebrate the Holy Eucharist every Sunday, during our worship service at nine in the morning.

Our children go to Sunday school at nine in the morning and join the rest of the congregation during the sharing of the peace. Every fourth Sunday, our Sunday school children and their teachers take leadership roles in the service. They do not go to Sunday school. Every fifth Sunday, our Young Adults co-lead the service with the priest and the Sunday school children.

On Wednesdays we have Bible Study and prayer from seven to eight in the evening, except during Lent when we celebrate the Stations of the Cross with the Great Litany and Vesper.

On Thursdays our choir members practice from seven to eight in the evening.


What Keeps Us Going


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